Source code for fluopi.analysis

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import glob

from skimage.filters import gaussian
import skimage.feature as skfeat
from math import pi

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# Define the image channels
CHANNELS = ['R','G','B']

[docs]def count_files(path,file_type): """ To count the number of files of a defined extension (filetype on a certain folder (path) Parameters ---------- path : string folder name where the images are stored file_type : string extension of the files to count (e.g. tif, png, jpg) Returns ------- ImageCount : int number of defined filetype files on the path folder """ ImageCount = len(glob.glob1(path,"*."+file_type)) print(path.split('\\')[-1]+' = '+str(ImageCount) + ' files') return(ImageCount)
[docs]def get_im_data(x_frames,image_count,f_name): """ Load image data from a sequence of files Parameters ---------- x_frames : int step frames (e.g 10 to use only ten to ten images) image_count : int total number of files on the folder (can be obtained with count_files function) f_name : string file name pattern including full path where images are stored, e.g. "/folder/image-%04d" Returns ------- ImsR,ImsG,ImsB: array_like data per channel of each image (ImsR -> matrix size = (W,H,image_count/x_frames)) """ W,H,_ = plt.imread(f_name%0).shape # Measure the image size based on the first image on the folder NT = int(image_count/x_frames) ImsR = np.zeros((W,H,NT)) ImsG = np.zeros((W,H,NT)) ImsB = np.zeros((W,H,NT)) for i in range(0,NT): im = plt.imread(f_name%(i*x_frames)) ImsR[:,:,i] = im[:,:,0] # Last number code the channel: 0=red, 1=green, 2=blue ImsG[:,:,i] = im[:,:,1] ImsB[:,:,i] = im[:,:,2] return(ImsR,ImsG,ImsB)
# at call you can take only the channels you are interested in (e.g.): # red,_,blue=get_im_data(xframes,imagecount) ---> this only takes the red and blue channels
[docs]def time_vector(data, x_frames, dt): """ Get the vector of times for the image sequence loaded Parameters ---------- data : dictionary dictionary with the R G B data of all images xframes : int step frames used on the analysis (e.g 10 means you are using one every ten to ten images) dt : double time step of the frames in hour units. It can be obtained from the file used to perform the timelapse. Returns ------- T: array_like Time vector for the used data (hour units) """ _,_,LT = data[CHANNELS[0]].shape # Length of time vector T = np.zeros((LT)) for i in range(0,LT): T[i] = (i)*x_frames*dt return(T)
[docs]def bg_value(x1, x2, y1, y2, data, im_count): """ compute the background mean value for each channel and frame based on a rectagle defined by the user. Plot the rectangle over the image and makes plots of each channel mean background value over time Parameters ---------- x1,x2,x1,x2: int values rectangle area limits: (x1,y1) = left-up corner. (x2,y2) = rigth-bottom corner data : dictionary R G B images data to get the background, and his names on data['Im'] im_count : int total number of files on the folder (can be obtained with count_files function) Returns ------- bg: dictionary Background mean value of each channel for every time frame """ X2R = x2-x1 #convert on steps because the rectangle patch definition Y2R = y2-y1 #plot the defined area plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() Im = plt.imread(data['Im']%(im_count-1)) ax.imshow(Im) rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((y1,x1), Y2R, X2R, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) #get the mean background value at each time for each channel and plot it BG = {} LColors = ['r','g','b'] # each color will be for each line in the plot count = 0 plt.figure() for chan in CHANNELS: BG[chan] = data[chan][x1:x2,y1:y2,:].mean(axis=(0,1)) plt.plot(BG[chan][:],LColors[count]) count += 1 plt.xlabel('Time step') plt.ylabel('Fluorescence intensity') return(BG)
[docs]def bg_subst(data, bg): """ Substract the mean background value for each channel and frame obtained with BG_Val function. Parameters ---------- data: dictionary R G B images data bg : array ackground mean value of each channel for every time frame (can be obtained with BG_Val function) Returns ------- Data: dictionary R G B images data with the background substracted """ L = bg[CHANNELS[0]].shape[0] S1,S2,_ = data[CHANNELS[0]].shape for c in CHANNELS: for i in range(0,L): BGM = np.ones((S1,S2)) BGM = BGM*bg[c][i] #create a matrix with bg to substract it to the frame Data = data[c][:,:,i] Data = Data-BGM #perform the substraction Data[Data<0] = 0 # values < 0 are not allowed --> transform it to 0 data[c][:,:,i] = Data #actualize Data return(data)
[docs]def data_sum_time(data): """ Sum the data for each pixel over time Parameters ---------- Data: dictionary R G B images data Returns ------- SData: array like Sum data over time and over channels for each pixel of the Data """ SData = data[CHANNELS[0]][:,:,:].sum(axis=(2))+data[CHANNELS[1]][:,:,:].sum(axis=(2))+data[CHANNELS[2]][:,:,:].sum(axis=(2)) plt.imshow(SData) plt.colorbar() plt.title('All channels') return(SData)
[docs]def smooth_data(data,sigma): """ Apply gaussian filter to smooth each frame data Parameters ---------- data: dictionary 4 dimensional (R,G,B, and Time) matrix with the data sigma: double Filter parameter (standard deviation) Returns ------- NSIms: dictionary Sum over time of Smoothed data per channel (call it nsims[channel][r,c]) NSImsAll: array_like Matrix with sum of nsims over the channels (call it nsimsAll[r,c]) SImsT: dictionary Smoothed data per channel per frame (call it as simsT[channel][r,c,f]) """ NSIms = {} NSIms_All = np.zeros((data[CHANNELS[0]].shape[0], data[CHANNELS[0]].shape[1])) SImsT = {} plt.figure(figsize=(17,3)) POS_VECT = [131,132,133] # figure position vector count = 0 for c in CHANNELS: # apply filter Data_Sum = data[c].sum(axis=2) SIms = gaussian(Data_Sum, sigma) NSIms [c] = (SIms-SIms.min())/(SIms.max()-SIms.min()) NSIms_All += NSIms[c] Maux = np.zeros((data[CHANNELS[0]].shape)) for fr in range(data[c].shape[-1]): Maux[:,:,fr] = gaussian(data[c][:,:,fr], sigma) SImsT[c] = Maux # make plot of the sum over time of smoothed data per channel plt.subplot(POS_VECT[count]) plt.imshow(NSIms[c]) plt.colorbar() plt.title(c+' channel') count += 1 return(NSIms,NSIms_All,SImsT)
[docs]def colony_blobs_id(data, thresh, im_name, filename='null'): """ Use skimage to identify the position of each colony and define the circular region used by each of them Parameters ---------- data: array of single channel image data thresh: Pixel values > thresh are included in the analysis, range (0,1) im_name: Name of an image on which to overlay colony positions and sizes filename: string filename with whom save the output image+blobs+ID Returns ------- A: array (Nx3) Contains the (x,y) position and size of each blob for each of N colonies detected """ A = skfeat.blob_log(data, min_sigma=1.0, max_sigma=10.0, num_sigma=100, threshold=thresh, overlap=0.8) plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) plt.imshow(data, cmap='gray') #plt.hold(True) plt.title('Sumarized Image') for i in range(len(A)): circle = plt.Circle((A[i,1], A[i,0]), 2*A[i,2], color='r', fill=False , lw=0.5) fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) plt.imshow(plt.imread(im_name)) #plt.hold(True) plt.title('Over '+ im_name) for i in range(len(A)): # plot the circle area identified for each colony circle = plt.Circle((A[i,1], A[i,0]), 2*A[i,2], color='w', fill=False , lw=0.5) fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # attach the ID label to each colony plt.annotate(i, xy=(A[i,1], A[i,0]), xytext=(-2, 2), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', color='white') if filename != 'null': plt.savefig(str(filename) + ".pdf", transparent=True) return(A)
[docs]def obtain_rois(data,blobs): """ Based on the information of each identified colony, create arrays to contain the regions of interest (ROI) around each one. Parameters ---------- data: dictionary R G B image data per frame blobs: array like Array of colony positions and sizes given by skimage in colonyBlob() Returns ------- all_rois: The ROI array image data for square region around colony position of side 2*(colony size) to call it: all_rois['channel_name'][blob_number][y,x,timepoint] all_rois_circle: The ROI array image data only within circle (radius = width/2), with the data outside the circle equal to zero. The size of the array is equal to square ROIS (all_rois) size. to call it: all_rois_circle['channel_name'][blob_number][y,x,timepoint] nc: Number of colonies analysed (length of returned arrays) """ all_rois = {} all_rois_circle = {} nc = len(blobs) for char in CHANNELS: rois = {} rois_circle = {} for i in range(nc): x = blobs[i,0] y = blobs[i,1] r = 2*blobs[i,2] # blobs[i,2] is the std deviation of the radius # --> r=2*std implies 95% confidence ####### this lines are to eliminate the out of image bounds error x1 = int(round(x-r)) x2 = int(round(x+r+1)) #plus 1 because slice working y1 = int(round(y-r)) y2 = int(round(y+r+1)) #plus 1 because slice working if x1 < 0: x1 = 0 if x2 >= data[char].shape[0]: x2 = data[char].shape[0]-1 if y1 < 0: y1 = 0 if y2 >= data[char].shape[1]: y2 = data[char].shape[1]-1 if x2>x1 and y2>y1: print('ROI','x1','x2','y1','y2') print(i,x1,x2,y1,y2) rois[i] = data[char][x1:x2,y1:y2,:] else: rois[i] = [] ####### xr = int((rois[i].shape[0]+1)/2) yr = int((rois[i].shape[1]+1)/2) rois_circle[i] = np.zeros((rois[i].shape)) for n in range(rois[i].shape[0]): for m in range(rois[i].shape[1]): if ((n-xr)**2+(m-yr)**2) <= (r**2): rois_circle[i][n,m,:] = rois[i][n,m,:] all_rois[char] = rois all_rois_circle[char] = rois_circle return(all_rois,all_rois_circle,nc)
# rois contains a square arund the colony # rois_circle makes the values outside the colony boundaries equals to zero
[docs]def channels_sum(rois_data, cv): """ Compute the sum over the RGB channels for each image Parameters ---------- rois_data: dictionary RGB time-lapse image data of each ROIS, from obtain_rois() cv: vector contain the ID of the of colonies analysed Returns ------- sum_chan_rois: dictionary Sum of channels for each time step and ROI """ sum_chan_rois = {} for i in cv: sum_chan_rois[i] = np.zeros((rois_data[CHANNELS[0]][i].shape)) for c in CHANNELS: for i in cv: sum_chan_rois[i] += rois_data[c][i][:,:,:] return(sum_chan_rois)
[docs]def frame_colony_radius(rois, cv, thr, min_sig=0.5, max_sig=10, num_sig=200): """ Get the colony radius at each time step Parameters ---------- rois: dictionary ROI image data from obtain_rois() cv: vector contain the ID of the of colonies analysed thr: double Threshold for skfeat.blob_log min_sig: double minimum value of sigma used on skfeat.blob_log max_sig: double maximum value of sigma used on skfeat.blob_log num_sig: int number of sigma values used between min_sig and max_sig on skfeat.blob_log Returns ------- R: dictionary The time series of colony size, indexed by colony id number """ R = {} nt = rois[cv[0]].shape[2] for k in cv: R[k] = np.zeros((nt,)) for i in range(nt): troi = rois[k][:,:,i].astype(np.float32) if len(troi): nt_roi = (troi-troi.min())/(troi.max()-troi.min()) AA = skfeat.blob_log(nt_roi, min_sigma=min_sig, max_sigma=max_sig, num_sigma=num_sig, threshold=thr, overlap=0.8) #AA = skfeat.blob_log(nt_roi, min_sigma=0.1, max_sigma=6.0, num_sigma=150, threshold=thr, overlap=0.8) if len(AA)>0: R[k][i] = AA[0,2] return(R)
[docs]def area(r, cv, T, filename='null'): """ Compute and plot the colonies area over time as a perfect circle (using the input radius value) around the colony position value Parameters ---------- r: dictionary colony radius at each time step of the selected colony (obtained with frame_colony_radius() function) cv: vector colonies ID vector to plot T: vector the vector of real time values filename: string filename to save the plot generated Returns ------- A: dictionary colony area at each time step of the selected colony. Call it as: A[colonyID][time step] """ plt.figure() A = {} for i in cv: R = r[i] A[i] = pi*R*R plt.plot(T,A[i],'.',label='colony '+str(i)) if filename != 'null': #plt.savefig("KymoGraph.pdf", transparent=True) plt.savefig(str(filename)+".pdf", transparent=True) return(A)
[docs]def f_sigma(t, a, b, c): """ Compute the sigmoide function value using the given input values Parameters ---------- t: vector independent variable ( "x axis", suposed to be time) a: double maximum value parameter b: double function parameter c: double delay parameter Returns ------- function evaluation """ return((a /(1+np.exp(-(t+b)*c))))
#return((a /(1+np.exp(-(t+b)*c)))+d)
[docs]def function_fit(xdata, ydata, init, end, cv, func=f_sigma, param_bounds=([1,-np.inf,0.1],[np.inf,-1,1])): """ Fit a given function to given data Parameters ---------- xdata: vector independent variable ( "x axis", suposed to be time vector) ydict: array like array of dependent variable vectors init: double point on the time vector to init the fitting end: double point on the time vector to end the fitting cv: vector contain the ID of the colonies to analyse func: function function to be fitted param_bounds: array of vectors lower and upper bounds of each parameters para_bounds=([lower bounds],[upper bounds]) Returns ------- Y_fit: dictionay contain the fitting result for each colony in the dictionary. It is: Y_fit[col ID][evalF z]: evalF: vector result vector of the fitted function: evalF=func(xdata, optimal_parameters) z: vector fitted parameters """ Y_fit = {} for i in cv: z,_ = curve_fit(func, xdata[init:end], ydata[i][init:end], bounds=param_bounds) print(z) evalF = func(xdata,z[0],z[1],z[2]) plt.plot(xdata, ydata[i], '.',xdata, evalF, '-') plt.title('Colony '+str(i)) Y_fit[i] = evalF,z return(Y_fit)
[docs]def croi_mean_int_frames(data, blobs, radii, cv): """ compute the mean intensity values for each time and channels for each CROI (circular ROI), redefining the ROIS based on radii values It takes the fit radius value at each time (radii), with it defines a circular ROI, sum all the pixel values inside them and divide this value for the number of pixel considered. --> obtain the intensity mean value inside the colony limits on each time. Parameters ---------- data: dictionary RGB dictionary with the images data blobs: array like contains the information of identified blobs radii: dictionary contains the radius for each colony on each time step cv: vector contain the ID of the colonies to analyse Returns ------- all_chan_crois_mean_val: dictionary contain the mean pixel value of each channel for each time step of each colony. call it as: all_chan_crois_mean_val['channel_name'][blob_number][timepoint] """ all_chan_crois_mean_val = {} for char in CHANNELS: crois_mean_val = {} for i in cv: #x and y are the colony center pixel stored on blobs x = blobs[i,0] y = blobs[i,1] CRoi_int = 0 count = 0 meanInt = np.zeros((len(radii[i]))) for j in range(len(radii[i])): ####### this lines is to eliminate the out of image bounds error r = radii[i][j] x1 = int(round(x-r)) x2 = int(round(x+r+1)) y1 = int(round(y-r)) y2 = int(round(y+r+1)) if x1 < 0: x1 = 0 if x2 >= data[char].shape[0]: x2 = data[char].shape[0]-1 if y1 < 0: y1 = 0 if y2 >= data[char].shape[1]: y2 = data[char].shape[1]-1 SRoi = data[char][x1:x2,y1:y2,j] ####### xr = int((SRoi.shape[0]+1)/2) yr = int((SRoi.shape[1]+1)/2) for n in range(SRoi.shape[0]): for m in range(SRoi.shape[1]): if ((n-xr)**2+(m-yr)**2) <= (r**2): CRoi_int += SRoi[n,m] count += 1 if count != 0: meanInt[j] = CRoi_int/count crois_mean_val[i] = meanInt all_chan_crois_mean_val[char] = crois_mean_val return(all_chan_crois_mean_val)
[docs]def f_mu (t, b, d): """ compute the grwoth rate (mu) function value Parameters ---------- t: int or vector independent variable values (suposed to be time vector) b: double functon parameter c: double function parameter Returns ------- evaluated "mu" fucntion with the given parameters """ return((d /(np.exp(d*(t+b))+1)))
[docs]def f_linear(x, a, b): """ compute the linear function value with given parameters Parameters ---------- x: int or vector independent variable values a: double slope parameter b: double y-intercept parameter Returns ------- evaluated linear fucntion with the given parameters for the given x """ return(a * x + b)
[docs]def linear_fit(data1, data2, filename='null'): """ Fit linear function (f_linear) to given data, display the fited function and make a plot of the result. You are able to save the resulting plot by given as input the "filename" to save it. Parameters ---------- data1: vector independent variable ( "x axis") to be used as input of f_linear data2: vector "y-data values" used as reference to peform the fitting filename: string name of the image file if it is desired to save it. Returns ------- z: vector fitted parameters """ z,_ = curve_fit(f_linear, data1, data2, bounds=([0,-np.inf], np.inf)) #print(z) #first component is the slope p = np.poly1d(z) print(np.poly1d(p)) xp = np.linspace(data1.min(), data1.max(), 2) #plt.plot(timeC[init:end], ratio[init:end,i], '.', xp, p(xp), '-') plt.figure() axisMax = np.max([np.max(data1), np.max(data2)]) axisMin = np.min([np.min(data1), np.min(data2)]) plt.axis([axisMin, axisMax, axisMin, axisMax]) plt.plot(data1, data2, '.', xp, p(xp), '-') if filename != 'null': #plt.savefig("FluorIntRGB.pdf", transparent=True) plt.savefig(str(filename) + ".pdf", transparent=True) return(z)
[docs]def colony_classifier(fit, classes, chanx_dat, chany_dat): """ Classify chanx_dat and chany_dat (which correspond to the data serie being classified) on the classes names given as inputs. The classification is on the small chany_dat distance value with the value computed with the chanx_dat and each fitted function (that are on "fit"). In other words, accord the minimal y-coordinate distance between each dot and fitted lines. Parameters ---------- fit: array like each position on the array cointains the parameters of the linear fit of each categorie. fit = [z1, z2, z3] where z is the return of linear_fit. classes: string array contain the names of the defined categories (its length have to be same long as fit) chanx_dat: vector data of the channel on x axis for the data to be classified chany_dat: vector data of the channel on y axis for the data to be classified Returns ---------- clas: list contain the category of each classified colony in order. e.g. clas = ['cat3', 'cat1, 'cat1', 'cat1', 'cat2', etc ...] clas_dict: dictionary contain the channel value of the colonies of each category in the corresponding dictinary class. clas_dict = ['class'][chan_xdat, chany_dat, boolean]. The boolean vector have the length of the total colony analyzed, and indicate (with True) which colonies correspond to that category. """ CAT_NUM = len(fit) # number of categories y = np.zeros(CAT_NUM) d = np.zeros(CAT_NUM) clas = np.zeros(len(chanx_dat)) clas_dict = {} # evaluate if have same number of classes as linear fits if CAT_NUM == len(classes): # compute the difference between the straight lines categories and the # colonies being classified for i in range(len(chanx_dat)): for j in range(CAT_NUM): y[j] = fit[j][0]*chanx_dat[i]+fit[j][1] d[j] = (y[j]-chany_dat[i])*(y[j]-chany_dat[i]) # find the minimal difference value mindif = np.min(d) # perform the classification TOKEN = 0 count = 0 while TOKEN == 0: if mindif == d[count]: clas[i] = count TOKEN = 1 count += 1 # store the data in a dictionary of categories for n in range(len(classes)): clas_dict[classes[n]]=[chanx_dat[clas==n],chany_dat[clas==n],clas[:]==n] # save a list with the corresponding string category name of each element in clas roi_clas = [] for i in range(len(clas)): roi_clas.append(classes[int(clas[i])]) return(roi_clas, clas_dict) else: print('\nERROR: classes have to be same length as fits\n')
# End