Source code for fluopi.plotting

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Define the image channels
CHANNELS = ['R','G','B']

[docs]def plot_im_frame(f_path,frame): """ To perform separated plots of each channel of image frame Parameters ---------- f_path : string_like path directory where the images are stored frame : int frame number to plot """ plt.figure() Im = plt.imread(f_path%frame) plt.imshow(Im) plt.title('frame '+str(frame)+' image')
[docs]def plt_im_frame_channels(f_path,frame): """ To perform separated plots of each channel of an image frame Parameters ---------- f_path : string_like folder name where the images are stored frame : int Frame number to plot """ Im = plt.imread(f_path%frame) plt.figure(figsize=(15,3)) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(Im[:,:,0]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Red channel') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(Im[:,:,1]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Green channel') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(Im[:,:,2]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Blue channel')
[docs]def row_transect(data, row, x_frames, data_frame=-1): """ Plot the value of a transect (row of pixels) in a frame and plot it Parameters ---------- data : dictionary dictionary with the R G B data of all images, and his names on Data['Im'] row : int row where you want to see the transect x_frames : int step frames used on the analysis (e.g 10 means you are using one every ten to ten images) data_frame: int frame number of the image of interest, default = last one """ row = int(row) #just in case a non integer number is given plt.figure(figsize=(15,3)) plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(data[CHANNELS[0]][row,:,data_frame]) plt.xlabel('pixels') plt.ylabel('value') plt.title('Red channel') plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(data[CHANNELS[1]][row,:,data_frame]) plt.xlabel('pixels') plt.title('Green channel') plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(data[CHANNELS[2]][row,:,data_frame]) plt.xlabel('pixels') plt.title('Blue channel') #plot selected line transect on the image if data_frame > 0: ImFrame = x_frames*(data_frame) # The corresponding image on the path else: _,_,ST = data[CHANNELS[0]].shape ImFrame = (ST-1)*x_frames Im = plt.imread(data['Im']%(ImFrame)) S1,S2,_ = Im.shape plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() ax.imshow(Im) rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((0,row), S2, 0, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect)
[docs]def rois_plt_fluo_dynam(rois, time_v, cv, filename='null'): """ Plot the total fluorescence of each colony over time Parameters ---------- rois: dictionary the ROI image array data (is better to use circular ROIS, obtained with obtain_rois() function) time_v: vector the vector of real time values cv: vector contain the ID of the of colonies analysed filename: string filename with whom save the output image with fluorescence dynamics """ plt.figure(figsize=(17,3)) POS_VECT = [131,132,133] count = 0 for c in CHANNELS: plt.subplot(POS_VECT[count]) for i in cv: plt.plot(time_v,rois[c][i].sum(axis=(0,1))) #sum the value #plt.hold(True) plt.xlabel('Time [h]') plt.ylabel('Fluorescence intensity') plt.title(c+' channel') count += 1 if filename != 'null': #plt.savefig("FluorIntRGB.pdf", transparent=True) plt.savefig(str(filename) + ".pdf", transparent=True)
#plt.legend(['Colony %d'%i for i in range(len(A))])
[docs]def tl_roi(rois, idx, times, fname, radius='null', chan_sum=False, gridsize=[0,0]): """ Save images of selected time steps on "times" vector, for a selected ROI (idx). This images can be used to make timelapse videos of isolated colonies. If you specify a gridsize of a proper size, then it display the ROI frames on the notebook Parameters ---------- rois: dictionary RGB time-lapse image data of each rois, from obtain_rois() idx: intr contain the ID of the of the selected colony times: vector conitains the selected frames times fname: string the complete filename to save the images of ROIs e.g. fname=('rois/Col'+str(idx)+'_ROI_step%d.png') chan_sum: boolean True to perfom the sum of the three channels of the ROI. False to show the image original colors. gridsize: vector size of the subplot grid. if gridsize=[0,0] the figure will not be shown on the notebook. Returns ------- Save the images of the selected frames of a ROI. """ from fluopi.analysis import channels_sum if type(idx) == int: #Check that ID is only one colony if len(times)>0: #Check time vector have some value w1 = rois[CHANNELS[0]][idx].shape[0] h1 = rois[CHANNELS[0]][idx].shape[1] if chan_sum == True: ROIa = channels_sum(rois,[idx]) # sum the three channels ROI = ROIa[idx][:,:,:] mx = np.max(ROI[:,:,:]) else: #Reconstruct an image file for each time ROI = np.zeros((w1,h1,3)) # make the plot of each frame and save it for i in times : plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) if chan_sum == True: #Plot the ROI os sum with a colorbar roi = ROI[:,:,i] plt.imshow(roi, interpolation='none',vmin=0, vmax=mx) plt.colorbar() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) if radius != 'null': circle = plt.Circle((round((w1-1)/2), round((h1-1)/2)), 2*radius[i], color='r', fill=False , lw=2) fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) #ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) else: #Plot the ROI original image ROI[:,:,0] = rois[CHANNELS[0]][idx][:,:,i] #RED layer ROI[:,:,1] = rois[CHANNELS[1]][idx][:,:,i] #GREEN layer ROI[:,:,2] = rois[CHANNELS[2]][idx][:,:,i] #BlUE layer roi = ROI.astype('uint8') plt.imshow(roi) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.savefig(fname%(i+1), transparent=True) plt.close() # display the plots in the notebook n = gridsize[0] m = gridsize[1] if n and m >0: # make n or m equal to zero to not display the figure in the notebook. if (n*m)<(len(times)): print('the subplot grid is smaller than the number of plots. Increase x or y, and try again') else: plt.figure(figsize=(4*m,4*n)) count = 1 for i in times : plt.subplot(n, m, count) ROI[:,:,0] = rois[CHANNELS[0]][idx][:,:,i] #RED layer ROI[:,:,1] = rois[CHANNELS[1]][idx][:,:,i] #GREEN layer ROI[:,:,2] = rois[CHANNELS[2]][idx][:,:,i] #BlUE layer roi = ROI.astype('uint8') if chan_sum == True: plt.imshow(roi) #, interpolation='none',vmin=0, vmax=mx) plt.colorbar() else: plt.imshow(roi) plt.title(str(i+1)+' Hours') count += 1 else: print('ERROR: Time vector have to be of lenght higher than zero') else: print('ERROR: use an integer value for the colony ID')
[docs]def logplot_radius(r, cv, t, filename='null'): """ Plot the log of the square of the radius for each colony Parameters ---------- r: dictionary colony radius at each time step of each colony at each time step (obtained with frame_colony_size() function) cv: vector colonies ID vector to plot T: vector the vector of real time values filename: string filename to save the plot generated """ for i in cv: R = r[i] plt.plot(t, np.log(R*R), '.') #plt.hold(True) plt.xlabel('Time [h]') plt.ylabel('log(Radius^2) [pixels]') plt.title('Colony radius') if filename != 'null': #plt.savefig("Radius.pdf", transparent=True) plt.savefig(str(filename)+".pdf", transparent=True)
[docs]def plot_radius(r, cv, t, filename='null'): """ Plot the radius for each colony at each time step Parameters ---------- r: dictionary colony radius at each time step of each colony (obtained with frame_colony_size() function) cv: vector colonies ID vector to plot t: vector the vector of real time values filename: string filename to save the plot generated """ for i in cv: R = r[i] plt.plot(t,R, '.') #plt.hold(True) plt.xlabel('Time [h]') plt.ylabel('Radius [pixels]') plt.title('Colony radius') if filename != 'null': #plt.savefig("Radius.pdf", transparent=True) plt.savefig(str(filename)+".pdf", transparent=True)
[docs]def check_radius(rois, idx, t, r_fit='null', r_dots='null', filename='null'): """ Plot the colony radius estimate overlayed on an kymograph image slice Parameters ---------- r_fit: vector colony fited radius at each time step of the selected colony (obtained from a model) r_dots: colony radius at each time step of the selected colony (obtained with frame_colony_radius() function) rois: dictionary ROI image of each colony (obtained with obtain_rois() function) idx: int id of the colony to check t: vector the vector of real time values filename: string filename to save the plot generated """ plt.figure(figsize=(18,7)) w,h,_ = rois[idx].shape # use the x-middle transect (--> (w-1)/2) plt.imshow(rois[idx][int(round((w-1)/2)),:,:], interpolation='none') # plt.imshow(rois[idx][round(w/2),:,:], interpolation='none', cmap='gray') plt.colorbar() if r_fit != 'null': plt.plot(t, -r_fit*2+(h-1)/2, 'r-') plt.plot(t, r_fit*2+(h-1)/2, 'r-') if r_dots != 'null': plt.plot(t, -r_dots*2+(h-1)/2, 'rx', ms=9) plt.plot(t, r_dots*2+(h-1)/2, 'rx', ms=9) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('y-axis position') plt.title('Colony '+str(idx)) if filename != 'null': #plt.savefig("KymoGraph.pdf", transparent=True) plt.savefig(str(filename)+".pdf", transparent=True)
[docs]def rois_last_frame_2chan_plt(rois_data, channel_x, channel_y, serie_name): """ Sum all the pixel values for channel_x and channel_y ( G and channel R) separately for the last frame of each ROI and make a plot where channel_x sum value is on the X axis and channel_y sum value is on the Y axis. Each dot correspond to one ROI values and represent the ratio of the two channels for that colony. Parameters ---------- rois_data : dictionary RGB time-lapse image data of each ROI, obtained with obtain_rois() channel_x: string channel name (e.g. 'G') to be on the x axis channel_y: string channel name (e.g. 'R') to be on the y axis serie_name: string name of the the data serie in analysis (used as title of the plot) """ # variable inicialization chanx = np.zeros((len(rois_data[channel_x]),1)) chany = np.zeros((len(rois_data[channel_x]),1)) # perform the sum of selected channels for the last frame of each ROI for i in range(len(rois_data[channel_x])): chanx[i] = rois_data[channel_x][i][:,:,-1].sum(axis=(0,1)) chany[i] = rois_data[channel_y][i][:,:,-1].sum(axis=(0,1)) # size the plot dimentions axisMax = np.max([np.max(chanx), np.max(chany)]) axisMin = np.min([np.min(chanx), np.min(chany)]) #print(axisMax,axisMin) #plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) plt.plot(chanx,chany,'bo') plt.title(serie_name) plt.xlabel(channel_x+' Channel') plt.ylabel(channel_y+' Channel') plt.axis([axisMin, axisMax, axisMin, axisMax]) return(chanx,chany)
[docs]def plt_lin_fit(x_min, x_max, l_fit, color): """ Make a plot of an already linear fit, being posible to define the function evaluation limits (x independient variable limits) and the color of the dots and fitted line. Parameters ---------- x_min : int RGB time-lapse image data of each ROI, obtained with obtain_rois() x_max: int channel name (e.g. 'G') to be on the x axis l_fit: vector linear fitted parameters. Obtained with linear_fit function color: char char of the color to be used on the dots and line (e.g. 'r') """ p = np.poly1d(l_fit) xp = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 2) plt.plot(xp, p(xp), color +'-')
# End